20 Frequently Asked Questions about Solar Energy, Answered
It is a fact that solar power has gained some of its popularity at present. Property owners have not been able to embrace this alternative source of energy mainly because of the high cost of the equipment as well as installation. However, the interest in solar energy continues to develop with further investment and research helping in reducing pollution plus our dependency on fossil fuels. Below, we have mentioned some frequently asked questions regarding solar energy & solar panel systems.
1. What is the longevity of a solar panel system?
The majority of the solar power systems come with a lifespan ranging from 25 to 30 years. On most occasions, the manufacturers of solar panels guarantee that approximately 85% of the electricity will be generated by these panels after 25 years of functioning as compared to what was produced by them after installation.
2. Is it possible for solar to be my only source of energy?
The answer will be yes in case you are using batteries. However, you are advised to use solar along with grid in case the power is obtainable. It is possible to integrate solar PV with your present sources of power (such as inverter, grid power, diesel generator, and so on) in such a way that solar power always gets the first priority out there. Nevertheless, it is common to have battery-backed solar systems in case you are making use of solar PV for nighttime use or you are remotely located.
3. What is the cost of a solar energy system, and how much can I save in the long run?
The answer to this question is not simple. The cost of a solar system will depend on various factors like:
· Whether the solar system is battery-based
· Whether it is a standalone system or connected to a grid
· The size of the solar system (which will depend on the consumption of your electricity)
· The components used
· The specific solar installer or vendor
· How much you will save from a solar system will depend on the following factors:
· The initial cost of the system
· The available solar system rebate
· The yearly maintenance cost of the solar system
· Feed-it tariffs
· The yearly increment rate of the grid electricity price
· Costs for becoming connected to local utility grid (in case you are not connected yet)
4. How much space will be required on my roof for installing the solar panels?
A bigger roof area will be required in case you need to generate more energy. Moreover, the number of sunny days in your locality also matters significantly. Apart from this, the area required will depend on the type of solar panels that will be installed. In fact, twice the amount of roof space will be required by thin-film panels unlike the mono as well as polycrystalline ones.
5. Is it required to tilt solar panels at a particular angle?
Ideally yes. It will be sensible to tilt the solar panels at a particular angle so as to maximize the solar system’s overall performance. Furthermore, different tilts will be required for optimizing the performance of the system in winter, in summer, and all through the year. However, we like to mention that the tilt angle is less important as compared to orientation.
6. What components constitute a solar energy system?
The primary components of solar energy systems are as follows:
· Solar panels for capturing energy derived from the sun
· An inverter for converting the energy to a format capable of powering our appliance
· The foundation on which the system will be mounted
Apart from this, the battery-based systems will require:
· Batteries for storing the generated energy
· Charge controller for regulating the rate at which the batteries will become charged
Besides these above-mentioned components, the solar systems likewise feature small components such as meters, wires, and disconnects.
7. Can solar be considered to be a smart investment?
It is a fact that grid-tie solar systems will help to minimize your energy bills to a great extent. They come with a payback period of 5 to 10 years which will depend on factors such as regional climate, the method of installation, and the price of electricity. Considering the fact that the solar panels come with a warranty of 25 years on most occasions, there will be lots of time remaining to make a profit from your investment in the long run.
Off-grid solar systems will be more expensive since they need batteries; however, they can still be considered to be a good investment unlike other processes of powering your property (such as making use of a gas generator or operating a power line).
8. What are the financing options available?
Personal loan: In this case, a lender will be fronting the cash for your solar system.
Solar lease: A solar system will be built by a solar installer on your residence. They are going to own the solar system and you need to pay the installer every month.
Solar power purchasing agreement: It is almost identical to solar lease apart from the fact that you need to pay for the power used by you every month.
9. What will happen in case it snows?
The solar panels will not be able to produce electricity after becoming covered with snow. However, the panels are going to be exposed to sunlight once the snow melts. Moreover, there can be an increment in the production of power because of the reflection of the sunlight in the surrounding white snow.
10. Does my property receive sufficient sunlight?
Most probably. However, in case there is plenty of shading on the roof due to trees and other factors, solar may not be appropriate for you.
11. What will happen in case more electricity is produced by the panels than what I am using?
In case more electricity is produced by your solar panels than what you require, the excess electricity is going to be sent back to the grid and you are going to receive credit via a process known as Net Metering. This credit is going to be used when the system will not be producing electricity such as at nighttime.
12. Is it possible for me to install the solar panels on my own?
Many customers prefer installing their own solar system for saving money on the project. Some of them set up the panels as well as the racking rails, and then take the help of an electrician to make the final hookup. However, it will be a sensible idea to hire a solar panel company for installing the solar panels so as to prevent any damage to your roof.
13. Can the installation of solar panels damage the roof?
No, it should not. The technology has improved a lot at present. However, in case there is a problem, it can happen during the installation and warranties will be provided by the company selling you the solar system. These types of warranties are going to cover any defects related to labor like damage caused to the roof or any other part of your property during the installation.
14. What can happen if my roof is not in proper condition?
Your solar system is going to last for over 25 years. It has been found that solar panels can last for decades, and therefore, in case your roof needs repair, it will be sensible to get your roof replaced and install the panels simultaneously.
15. What if I am a renter or reside in an apartment?
It is important to own the property so as to go solar. Consequently, the majority of solar energy solutions are intended for commercial property owners or homeowners. However, it is possible for individuals renting an apartment to take advantage of solar. Solar programs intended for the renters are offered by some utility companies at present which enables individuals to purchase solar power.
16. What are the risks associated with going solar?
In case the solar system has been installed and maintained properly, the solar panels should not pose any threat to your residence. However, problems might arise which can be linked with the installation and operation of the system. There can be issues such as hot spots, roof leaks, as well as catching fire in rare cases.
17. Will the solar panels work on rainy days?
It is a fact that solar systems will be able to capture sunlight even when it is raining. However, they would produce less electricity as compared to the sunny days.
18. Will solar help to enhance the value of my property?
19. What are the environmental benefits provided by solar energy?
Just like any other renewable source of energy, solar power comes with lots of environmental benefits. Going solar can minimize greenhouse gas emissions to a great extent and also lead to lesser air contaminants such as sulfur dioxide which is detrimental to our health.
20. What is the maintenance cost of the solar panels?
Most of the California solar panel systems have been prepared from resilient tempered glass which does not need much maintenance whatsoever. On most occasions, there is no need to clean the solar panels on a regular basis. However, in case something happens, warranties are provided by most of the equipment manufacturers out there.