California Braces for Fire Weather with Strong Winds


California WildFires
California Wildfire Time-lapse

California is preparing for fire weather with high winds. As mentioned in the Los Angeles Times by meteorologist Duane Dykema of the NWS (National Weather Service) in Monterey, the forecast is not encouraging.

Given these forecasts and the history of fires in California, preparations begin, as Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) already cuts the electricity supply to its customers.

This PG&E measure affected nearly a million people in some areas of California last Sunday in what has been called by forecasters the most severe fire weather this season.

In their experience, the utility company PG&E takes steps to minimize the creation of a fire by a spark that can strike dry brush or vegetation and can become an uncontrollable fire by high winds.

In that sense, it has instituted “power outages as public safety” and as a preventive measure, since its concern is that strong winds could tear off parts of a tree or damaged equipment that could create a spark that starts a fire, happened on other occasions.

According to NWS forecasts in Monterey during this season, it will be strong and dry winds known as Diablos and Santa Ana in California. The winds increased their speed in some northern areas in the afternoon of last Sunday and were expected to be more intense and widespread during the night until Monday. However, the severe conditions were expected to continue through Tuesday.

California Winds
California Santa Ana Winds

PG & E’s strategy to mitigate the occurrence of fires in its areas of influence in the state of California has been announced and is underway.

It is the time of alternative energies. It is time to implement individual or collective projects or measures that, in addition to taking advantage of the strong winds and inclement sun, help make up for the absence of electric power service from the main grid.

The United States, together with its experience in alternative energies such as solar and wind, has efficient models with low environmental impact. With this type of energy, apart from the benefit they provide to those who have it of continuity of the service, they help electricity service companies execute preventive or contingency strategies that benefit the community.

Be prepared for power outages. This, which has been foreseen by the meteorology service, is cyclical, and possibly, the lack of electricity supply does not affect you if you have battery storage with its integrated solar collection system. With the installation of solar panels, utility companies like PG&E can reduce the service when it deems it necessary, without inconvenience to those who own it.

Besides, solar panels’ installation over the years translates into profit, aiming at efficiency and sustainability through self-generation and the possible sale of energy to traditional supply companies such as PG&E.

Therefore, in the face of situations that nature periodically imposes, such as strong winds and high temperatures, it is necessary to adopt solutions that include photovoltaic solar panels that provide high efficiency, performance, and reliability.

Alternative Energy Finally Makes Sense, Prepares You, and Saves You Money for Fire Weather With High Winds

Solar Panels and Wind Energy
Renewable Energy in California

In California, combining solar and wind energy for your home or business is undoubtedly one of the smartest decisions any individual can make in today’s age. You don’t have to have thousands of dollars to pay for alternative energy combined.

You can start by receiving financing for the purchase of solar energy through a loan or with your home or other property’s equity, and thus have your solar panels and take advantage of all the benefits. Even if you have the cash, the best option is to get a loan to pay for solar energy, as it is involved in the investment return.

All this thanks to the fact that in California, they reward you with benefits to help the state achieve its success, particularly when it prepares for the fire weather with high winds, so you can also obtain tax exemption. That opens up a range of advantages with which you will see spectacular gains during the 25 years of the useful life of your solar panel system.

Everything in this section is your best option to prepare for the announcements made by the NWS, regardless of whether it is a red flag warning for California, due to the high probability of dangerous fire conditions occurring.

Keep in mind that the option of the solar panels works so well for payments on time, allowing you to reap all the benefits now. In California, those benefits include energy savings and a tremendous federal tax credit. Plus, the energy savings help offset some of the cost of loan payments, which may sound too good to be true. For details, contact one of your local alternative energy consultants.

Regardless of the season, the meteorologists will continue to do their work and announce the climatic changes, reporting everything concerning the Santa Ana and Diablo winds’ actions.

In Southern California, winds will continue to increase in the mountains and move toward the valleys and the coast in the hours before sunrise, blowing harder at times. NWS (National Weather Service) meteorologists in Oxnard will provide timely information, as well as other variants of the weather.

The truth is that if a forest fire occurs, and given the risk of propagation by the wind to a significant distance, which can spread very quickly and be extremely dangerous to control, the PG&E public service company will execute the preventive measures that it must implement and you may run out of electrical service.

The state of California has already experienced the sudden start of a wildfire season, with millions of acres burned, more than 30 people killed, and thousands of structures destroyed in just three months. The state is aware that it faces the strongest regional event it has ever had in 2020. A Santa Maria Plumber even showed pictures and videos of out of control fires in his neighborhood.

The winds forecast for the region could break tree limbs and knock down power lines and affect roads, according to Joe Sirard, a meteorologist at SNW in Oxnard.

Time is working in your favor. It’s time to prepare for power outages with solar panels and proper battery storage. Applying that option, as the utility company increases its rates, will also increase your Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) costs, although by a lesser amount. However, your savings will also grow annually. The exciting thing about all this is that you will be protected against blackouts, you can help the service company, saving and earning money.

Besides, for 25 years, your savings will grow. And the best part is that the solar panels will be owned and maintained by the installation company. So all you have to do is show off your green habits to your neighbors. Well, they will also help you in due course to protect your plants from the inclement cold!

California Solar Panels
Solar Panels in California

Be smart, protect yourself from blackouts with a solar PPA. California is very windy due to the Santa Ana winds, and many blackouts are likely to occur. This years forecast to be a challenging year for California due to the fires, and solar with good battery storage is the way to go.



Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris
Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris

Written by Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris

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