California + Solar Energy — Why California is the Best State for Solar Panels & Battery Backup Storage


Go Solar California
Go Solar California

One of the best states in regard to the installation of solar panels is noted as being California. This is based on the fact that when residents of California have a solar panel company install a solar power system along with battery storage, such as the Tesla Powerwall, the residents truly get an excellent return on their investment.

This is a result of California having much sun exposure that will allow for the creation of much solar power that will empower the residents of California to be able to save a lot of money on their utilities.

California is noted as having some of the highest electric utility rates in the nation, which is why it makes sense to install solar panels. Also, the state of California provides net metering for homeowners who have solar energy. Moreover, there is the provision of a good solar tax credit that allows for even more savings.

California, which is notoriously referred to as the Golden State, is regarded as possessing some of the most distinctive goals regarding greenhouse gas emission reduction that are based on an aggressive plan to see this become a strong reality.

Take into consideration the fact that the high standard of the renewable portfolio of the state of California has set forth the mandate that by the year 2030, utilities must generate at least sixty percent of all retail electricity via the application of sources of energy that are renewable.

Facts about solar power in California

If you are wondering about the average cost of a 5KW solar power system, the cost of such a system in terms of energy is considered to be around $2.78 per watt.

The usual payback time in regard to your investment when you have a solar panel system installed is noted as being a term of about five years and four months.

You will be happy to realize that a solar panel system can provide a lifetime savings on your electric utility bills by as much as $73,714. The leveled cost of solar energy usage is decently affordable at a rate of $0.06 KWH.

A solar panel system is magnificently powerful to provide your solar energy needs, as it can produce up to as much as 8621 KWH per year.. But if you do not install a solar panel system to save on your energy costs, you will continue to pay $0.42 KWH for regular electricity consumption.

Pros and cons regarding the installation of solar panels

Solar Panels on Roof
Solar Panels on Roof

It cannot be denied that one of the key advantages when it comes to the installation of solar panels in California is the fact that there is a high rate of federal tax credit at 26 percent. Then there is also the great advantage of the net metering law that is based on a ratio of 1:1.

Furthermore, the good news is that there are many different financing options that are offered by the state of California for households that have low incomes. Moreover, the state of California provides a wide array of incentive programs to motivate more people to switch over to the usage of solar panel systems for their energy consumption needs.

In regard to disadvantages concerning the installation of solar panels for the residents of California, there really are no major disadvantages. The only thing that is the major consideration is the financing.

But the system will save so much money and the government provides help with financing. As a result, it is a pretty easy process for most people to be able to have access to financing for a new solar panel system for their home in California.

Exemption for property tax

Solar Exemption for Property Tax
Solar Property Tax Exemptions

Homeowners in the state of California now have the opportunity to save in regard to the amount of property taxes that they pay if they have a solar panel system installed in their home.

Normally, the value of your property would increase when you have a solar panel system, which would result in higher property taxes for your home. But at this present time, there is the provision of The Property Tax Exclusion for Solar Energy Systems program.

This program provides an exemption in the amount of 100 percent for the assessment value regarding a solar system based on residential property taxes. This means that you can save quite a bit on your property taxes when you install a solar panel system.

Those who have not installed a solar panel system in the homes should no longer delay when this is the case. It is evident that the government of California is truly trying to make solar panel energy accessible and affordable for everyone.

Return on investment

Solar Panel ROI
SOLAR Return on Investment

The payback period in regard to when you will see the return on the investment that you make when you get a solar power panel for your home will range anywhere from four to eight years. But the general average in California at this present time is noted as being about five years and four months.

The payback period is understandably related to the brand of solar panels that you purchase, the size of your solar power system, the cost that you were paying for electric power prior to the installation of your new solar power system as well as if you decide to purchase your solar panel system or lease it.

With the reality that your solar power system can save you over $73,000 in your lifetime on your electric utility bills, it truly is worth your while to get a top quality solar panel system installed by our company, even if it takes you a few years to see the return on your investment.

Contact us

If you are interested in getting a new solar panel system for your home, contact We are known as the California experts when it comes to installing solar panel systems for many clients who are truly satisfied with the quality of work that we do.

Semper Solaris offers honest and fair pricing. You will be happy with the solar panel system providing the type of quality solar energy that you need to make your home function optimally. Moreover, you will be happy to save a lot of money on your electric utility bills.



Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris
Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris

Written by Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris

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