Reduce Solar Panel Installation Costs in California


How Solar Energy Works
How Solar Works | Source: EnergyGeeks

Suppose you live in California and don’t mind saving some money and increasing your investment. In that case, as a California Solar Panel Company, we suggest that you consider investing in a home solar energy system.

California Solar, we do this because there is good news here. The state offers several incentives to those who choose solar to help offset their out-of-pocket costs. Even if you’re not ready to make your solar purchase, believe it, these California solar energy discounts and incentives will reveal why solar is a smart move in the Land of the Best Oranges.

Mechanisms exist to help you calculate your solar potential in one way and understand the costs and incentives. Obtain solar panels for your home or business is one of the smartest decisions you can make in today’s age.

We warranty that you will be able to significantly reduce your own energy costs and even have the freedom to disconnect from the grid seamlessly. You will be able to say goodbye to all power outages and hello to constant power that will be entirely yours.

For making sense of this, the California program makes it easy for solar panel owners to sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to use solar energy. This is incredibly helpful for those who don’t have a lot of cash or equity in their home. With a PPA, it’s possible to get solar panels for a $ 0 down payment and see significant savings over 25 years.

For now, the cost of solar electricity generated by a 7.5 kW solar system is around $ 1000 per year, but the energy generated by the panels will save you $ 1,176 per year. That’s $ 176 you can put in your pocket this year, just by saying yes to solar!

In this solar panel solution, you don’t just have to look at energy saving. For helping you manage the cost, the state makes 3 options available to those who want to be a part of this boom so you can afford a large solar system for your home:

1. Payment plan of The Solar Company

Maximize your costs and consider financing when looking for the best solar companies in your industry. Companies capable of giving advice and guidance plus accompaniment to choose an accessory that maximizes the energy gain per hour to capture more sunlight early in the morning and later at night. So you can get a robust solar panel system with your solar batteries at prices that fit your budget.

Some solar companies in California will offer great deals, with zero down payment and an APR (Annual Percentage Rate) of 2.99% / 25 years. Make sure your backup batteries are guaranteed for 25 years; choose the brand you trust. Make sure the solar system has a warranty that covers this period, giving you peace of mind that you have invested in a quality solution that will save you money year after year.

2. The Federal Income Tax Credit (FITC)

Solar Tax Credit | Source: EnergySage

Electric companies in California now offer incentives like the Federal Income Tax Credit (FITC). This benefit gives taxpayers the power to access a 26% Federal Income Tax Credit (FITC) for qualified solar system expenses that provide electricity to their residence (taxpayer property).

By 2021, it is expected to lose 4%, and by 2022 (although it has not yet been confirmed), homeowners will be able to cut 10% of the cost of their solar panels. It is time to invest in your solar solution! Request a personalized assessment of the credits and rebates you may qualify for by going to the California Solar calculator. Sign up! There are more details that we want to share with you.

3. The Tax Credit for Solar Energy Residential Property

Each state has its own tax credits for solar power, impacting your state income tax deduction. In California, this tax credit reaches 25% of the cost of solar panels, up to $ 1,000, which you can then deduct from your income tax beginning the first year after the system is installed. Solar panel costs and increased property values are also tax-exempt in California.

Other sunny states have an advantage. California leads in incentives for solar solutions and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The “PACE” (Property Assessed Clean Energy Tax Credit) is of the country’s best credits. Further offers the financing program “HERO” (Home Energy Renovation Opportunity), making it easy for a solar landlord to pay for their equipment to the state with property taxes, rather than upfront.

California also has the net metering program, with which the state credits solar homeowners who deliver power to the electrical grid from their panels. For those income-eligible single-family homeowners who want to install solar panels, there is also the “DAC-SASH” (Disadvantaged Communities — Single-Family Solar Homes) project to help you with your financing.

With these options, you can generally reduce your cost substantially, typically $ 2.79 of watt out of incentives, up to $ 2.00 per watt with incentives.



Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris
Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris

Written by Solar Power Information & Facts by Semper Solaris

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